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Esterhazy is home to our flagship potash site and mines one of the best ore deposits in the world. Mosaic’s Esterhazy Complex is now the world’s largest potash operation, with a nameplate capacity of 7.8 million tonnes. The K1 and K2 sites have previously supplied potash to global customers for decades, and the new K3 mine was completed in 2022. All three are named after the element symbol for potassium, ‘K’.


Leadership Team

Located in the South East corner of Saskatchewan, approximately 1,200 people work below or above ground to deliver millions of tonnes of potash to our global customers. As one of our low-cost-producers, Esterhazy is a key potash asset for the company.

Our Food Story

Automation and technology is a driving force in Esterhazy.  Our talented workforce is looking to the future and finding ways to increase safety, efficiency and connection across our immense operating footprint-- building a ‘digital mine’ to power us into the future.

Esterhazy processes its potash into a variety of products including Ag White, Crystal, Granular and Standard MOP (muriate of potash) products.  Our performance product, Aspire® is also part of their portfolio.

Our Food Story

About Esterhazy K3

Our $3 billion-dollar Esterhazy K3 Project, which is Saskatchewan’s first new underground potash mine in over a half-century, was completed in 2022. With two headframes rising 375 feet above the land of living skies, to a shaft sinking 3,350 feet below – the new K3 mine signifies the future of potash for the area and our company.

Our Food Story

The project, which kicked off in 2009, has brought significant capital investment and contract work to the area as the first new underground shaft to be sunk in the Province. In 2011, shaft sinking began and continued into 2017 when the potash ore body was reached. Potash ore was hoisted for the first time from the North headframe in December 2018 and from the South headframe in October 2021.

Our Food Story

Esterhazy K3: Start-to-Finish

The K3 project signifies our commitment to the long-term sustainability of our operations, Esterhazy, the Province, and the vision we have for our future North America Business.

K3 Project News

Mobile Technology_Esterhazy

NextGEN: Our Innovation Journey: Enabling Employees Through Deployment of Mobile Technology  

August 11, 2021
Image: Tony Sparvier, Sr. Engineer, saves electrical drawings and wiring diagrams for the automated hardware installer to his iPad for easy reference when working underground at Esterhazy’s K3
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Shifting our Focus to the Future of Esterhazy

Shifting our Focus to the Future of Esterhazy

July 28, 2021
In early June, the Esterhazy transition timeline shifted due to brine inflow conditions underground at K1 and K2. We immediately suspended underground mining at K1 and K2 and began actively
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Esterhazy K1 Mine Site

Esterhazy Transition Timing Update

June 4, 2021
This morning we announced that our Esterhazy transition timeline is shifting due to brine inflow conditions underground at K1 and K2.  Recently, inflow volumes have risen faster than our models
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