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MosaicΓÇÖs 2025 ESG Performance Targets ΓÇô Increasing Indigenous representation to 15%

October 22, 2020

REGINA, SK - Constant progress is the hallmark of Mosaic’s sustainability journey. In this video series, we’re sharing more about the intent of Mosaic’s 2025 ESG Performance targets and how we’ll get there. Acting Responsibly is a strategic priority for our employees and our company. This critical work helps Mosaic to maximize our positive impact on society.

Hear from Government and Stakeholder Relations Manager Tyler Hopson and Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Earl Greyeyes in this video, also linked to the left, as they talk about one of our society targets: Increase Indigenous representation to 15% by 2025 in Canada in three pillar areas: community investment, workforce new hires representation, and procurement.

Plus, take a look at our 2025 ESG Performance Targets and check out our video series. While each target was created primarily to support one focus area, there are interconnections between all of them. We choose to focus our efforts on areas with broad reaching companywide and societal impacts.

We’re strengthening our commitment to reducing our environmental impact with bold reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and water use — in addition to a dozen other critical targets.