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FatherΓÇÖs Day Spotlight: Mosaic Employee Nurtures Career and Family

June 13, 2023

At Mosaic, Kay Gala is the Finance Manager for Capital and Operations Support, an important and busy job. In addition to providing capital reporting and operations support for Potash and Phosphates, Kay also manages capital payroll for more than 100 employees. But those duties are just part of what keeps Kay occupied. He’s also a dedicated father to two daughters, Prisha (6) and Kaysha (3), whom he shares with his wife, Urvi Gala, the love of his life. Raising two children for Kay and Urvi has been a joyful and learning experience, mainly because they are raising their daughters in Canada, but they both grew up in Mumbai, India.  

Kay with his wife Urvi and their daughters, Prisha and Kaysha.

Across Continents and Cultures

In 2008, Kay left Mumbai, India to, pursue his Master of Science (M. Sc.) at the North Carolina State University in Raleigh, USA, while his then-girlfriend, Urvi, left Mumbai to pursue her M.Sc. at the University of Saskatchewan. Kay relocated to Saskatchewan in 2012 to reunite with Urvi and start their life together.  Kay says raising their children in Canada has been a rewarding yet challenging experience. Kay grew up in a joint family with three generations living together, who all took on the responsibilities of raising and caring for children. “It’s challenging for me and Urvi to raise our children so much differently than how we grew up, and without our family around,” says Kay.  With family in India, Kay and Urvi work hard to maintain strong ties with family by inviting them to visit Saskatchewan and using technology to stay connected, which ensures their daughters understand their roots and heritage. “We try our best to have their grandparents visit often, and when they do, we can see the connection right away,” says Kay. “They try their best to share tradition and be a source of comfort and support for our girls and help them to be culturally connected.”

Achieving work-life balance with Mosaic

Since Kay and Urvi don't have local family support, Kay says caring for children would be much more difficult without Mosaic's flexible and hybrid work schedule that allows him to start work earlier or later, depending on his family needs. Kay has worked at Mosaic since 2021 and says it's a family-friendly workplace. "Mosaic has been super supportive of young families with kids," says Kay. "There's a lot of flexibility, and I truly appreciate it. Fatherhood has been a life-changing experience for me, and it’s changed my perspective and taught me how to be patient and selfless.”

Mosaic continues to be a place where employees can excel in their careers while finding the support they need as parents. We extend our warmest wishes to all fathers and their diverse roles. Happy Father's Day!